Monday, February 27, 2012

Baby Goats!

My sister's two goats had babies! Both had a set of twins all of them are girls and very cute!
You can visit Cassie, Vinnie, Aspen and Blu Willow here!


Saturday, February 25, 2012

N is for Naughty Rooster

Meet Naughty Rooster, only a few of the roosters actually have names so the ones that don't have names are all called Naughty Rooster. (which I think makes sense..)
He hatched June 11 2011 and he is huge..and mean.
But I will be putting him and a few other roosters up on Craigslist soon
so he will hopefully be gone.
He is a very pretty rooster but I have enough of those and will soon have more
because as soon as the hens start laying again I'm going to incubate a bunch of eggs!

Linking to Alphabe-Thursday with Jenny!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Macro Monday

I'm not sure what kind of berries these are but I do, know that humans should definitely not eat them!
Or at least that's what I've heard...
If you do know what kind of berries these, feel free to let my know!

Linking up with Lisa for Penguin Macro Monday!

Friday, February 17, 2012

My new Blog!

Since this blog is mostly for animal stuff I have decided to make a blog for me!
You can visit my blog at In Yolanda's Farmlife.

Now here are just a couple random pics!
The farm cat Mumu in a tree, despite his fear of heights..
A bunch!
One of the 7 roosters, his name is Owly.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

M is for Maddi

This is Maddi, she is 8 months old.
I just love the little poofs of feathers on the sides of her face!
They are super soft and totally cute.
She is half Amerucana half Black Australorp.
She still hasn't started laying eggs but she will hopefully she will start laying this spring!

Linking to Alphabe-Thursday with Jenny!
Also linking up with Nancy and Lisa for Rural Thursday!
Also linking up for Wild and Wonderful Wednesday with Kimberly!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

My eye, pic taken by my older sister because it would have been hard to take a good pic of my eye
without being able to see what I was doing!
1. Facial Feature
 The farm cat Mumu's shadow.
2. Shadow
 A pic of a Red Jalapeno. Definitely not the best pic ever but oh well!
3. Spicy
 A little bunch of helicopter seeds.
4. Gold
 I love fluffy socks so much that I felt that I needed to do a pic of them in a shape of a chicken foot!
5.  Fabric

Linking to Scavenger Hunt Sunday with Ashley!

Friday, February 10, 2012

L is for Lobacca

 This is Lobacca she is 4 years old.
My brother is a big fan of Star Wars and we already had a chicken named Chewbacca
so we named her Lobacca.
 Yesterday she was enjoying the last bits of sunlight since snowed a bunch again!
She is a Amerucana, some people call them Easter Egg Chickens because
 they lay green, blue and pinkish eggs. 
She was hatched here on the farm and I have trained her to jump up on my arm when I have corn or a piece of bread.

Linking up with Jenny for Alphabe-Thursday
Linking up with Deborah Jean's Dandelion House
Also linking up with Nancy and Lisa at Rural Thursday

Monday, February 6, 2012

Macro Monday

A lot of people haven't hear of these before, it is a Buttonquail.
Full grown they only get to be about 3inches long and about 2inches tall,
 but they like to stand up tall and make really cute peeping noises.

Linking to Macro Monday at Lisa's Chaos

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Me and my sister's shadows.
Strike a Pose
 My winter boots.
 My soccer cleats, pre-wrap and sweetspots.
 A necklace that I got  for Christmas 2 years ago.
 Some moss in the woods.
Color me Green

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saturday Sun Tanning

Saturday means its sun tanning day (at least when its sunny out it does..)
 Everybody seemed to be tanning somewhere
 Even the farm cat Mumu!
 Speckles already has a good gold tan all over!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Blanco's Frostbite

This is Blanco, he hatched sometime in July.
His name was originally Blanca but I thought it was a bit to girly so I changed it.
This is Blanco's normal comb
This is stage 1 of frostbite.
This is stage 2.
He is currently doing pretty good.
The other chickens like picking on him so he is always a bit beat up.

K is for Kiya and Mythral

Mythral is on the left and Kiya is on the right.
Mythral is almost 4 years old and Kiya is about 8.
Kiya is Mythral's mom.

 I will try to do at least one post per week, every Friday I will try to remember to do a post about a different chicken or duck or just some random animal from around the farm.

Also if there is random chat speak somewhere in my blog posts just ignore it.

Linking to Jenny Matlocks Alphabe-Thursday where the letter is K.