The Roosters

The Roosters.

Owly, hatched June 11 2011. When he was little he had brown
around his eyes and it looked like big owl eyes so it became Owly. Ameraucana.
June 11 2011-May 10 2012

Naughty Rooster, hatched June 11 2011.
Amerucana/Black Australorp.

Naughty rooster, hatched June 11 2011. Amerucana/Black Australorp.

Naughty Rooster hatched June 11 2011 (Note: all roosters that don;t have names are called Naughty Rooster). Amerucana/Black Australorp.

Speckles, hatched June 11 2011. Hes really bad at crowing but really cute. Amerucana.

Naughty Rooster, hatched June 11 2011. My favorite out of all the "Naughty Roosters" because he actually lets me pick him up and doesn't run away like the other Naughty Roosters.
Amerucana/Black Australorp.

1 comment:

The Southern Peach-Girls said...

They are all beautiful roosters! Love the post!

Life On A Mini Farm